Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Perks of Unemployment

{lunch break}
I'm not being facetious ― they exist.  Granted, I have this background static always fizzling away: you need a job… bills don't pay themselves… maybe you should rewrite your résumé… again… you should be networking somewhere… there are want-ads to check, websites to peruse, companies to research… it's not a joke, you really DO need a job, you know…  It gets louder the longer I'm unemployed.  But if I can twiddle the knob and talk over it, there are definite perks.

For example, job hunting, while not unlike a work schedule (by which I mean: you have to put in solid hours or there will be no results) is at least a schedule whose parameters are set by me.  If I want to do something in the evening, I get up early to do my hunting, or vice versa.  I like to do most of my work when Chloe works, so we can run our errands or hang out together when she gets home. 

When the desk and computer seem a mincing step away from medieval torture, I can take a break.  When you're in an office, I imagine it's tougher to find a good spot for yoga or fresh air or tea.  I like to wear comfy clothes and play the Wicked soundtrack in German.

Unemployment is giving me a chance to really get plugged in at my new church.  I'm attending McLean Presbyterian Church for morning service, and then in the evening I go to Harvest, MPC's group for young people.  It's well-attended, since, well… DC.  I lived too far from my old church to volunteer much.  Now that church is only a ten minute drive away, I'm trying to build some good participation habits.  I've signed up to help with communion and sound at Harvest, and to attend a luncheon at the church for the Senior Saints ministry.  Hopefully by the time a work schedule asserts itself, I'll already be trained up and it'll be easy to keep volunteering.

Getting to know new friends is easier when we only have to work around one person's schedule.  Unemployment is a good lack of framework for grabbing coffee or lunch in the middle of the day. 

Chloe and Dan are leaving for Europe in a week, and I'll be home alone (cue "I'm *dub dub* dreaming… of a white *dub dub* Christmas…!").  I intend to spend as little time as possible unoccupied.  Let me know if you want to hang out!  I've already made plans with a few people.  It's easier to put in good work when you know have something to look forward to on your break.

Finally, the biggest perk of all (this is just for me ― sorry, fellow job hunters): I get to go see my family this week.  A spontaneous beach trip is happening!  I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the time off if I was employed by now, but when the job is to find a job, you are your own boss.  I asked if I could go, and I said yes.

Pass the Want Ads and the sunscreen.

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