Tuesday, August 19, 2014


What’s a DC blog without a post about traffic?

It would be easy to fill an hour with stories about bad drivers – but I cannot in good conscience write that post.

 Traffic in a big city is just wretched; I’m not even talking about rush hour, I’m talking about the multiple lanes and the high speeds and the concrete barriers.  Spill a lot of cars into this environment, and really it’s surprising how often we walk away unscathed.  One reason why there aren’t more accidents is because there are drivers who do pay attention.  This allows a little room for stupidity, momentary distraction, and bad circumstances – without every incident ending in bent fenders and blood.

So rather than focusing on all the idiot drivers on the roads these days, I’d like to consider the drivers who are reasonably skilled and alert. 

I’m new here.  I’m trying to pay attention, but sometimes there are just so many decisions to be made so quickly, and something gives: I change lanes and cut off a fast-approaching SUV, or I don’t maintain the right speed for a smooth merge onto 495, or I take that exit off 66 too quickly and accidentally run the yield sign at Nutley Street. 

Fortunately for me, in each of the aforementioned scenarios, the attentiveness of another driver made up for my errors.  The SUV hit the brakes and did not rear-end me.  The sport car changed lanes to leave me room to merge.  The black sedan swerved.  Goodness only knows how many times I have screwed up, narrowly avoided disaster, and walked away without even realizing I’ve had a close call.

So maybe in future I will write a post about crazy motorists, but this is my shout-out to all the good drivers in DC:  I will never get to tell you in person, but thank you for saving my life. 

You are basically Batman.

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